Office Policy

office-policy How are appointments scheduled?
The office attempts to schedule appointments at your convenience and when time is available. Preschool children should be seen in the morning because they are fresher and we can work more slowly with them for their comfort. School children with a lot of work to be done should be seen in the morning for the same reason. Dental appointments are an excused absence.

Do I stay with my child during the visit?
We invite you to stay with your child during the hygiene examinations. During treatment appointments, not hygiene appointments, we suggest you allow your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience. We can usually establish a closer rapport with your child when you are not present. Our purpose is to gain your child's confidence and overcome apprehension. We find that a child does better during a restorative procedure if the parents are not in the treatment room. This allows the child to focus on us. However, we do work with our parents on this matter.

Can I bring my entire family to my child’s visit?
For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception room with a supervising adult. Our staff will not be responsible for unattended children in the reception area. If possible, please make arrangements for your other children. Due to limited seating, we ask that your child be accompanied by you and one other adult, if you choose, into the hygiene bay. Furthermore, please do not bring any strollers into the hygiene area.

Who can bring my child to their dental visits?
A legal guardian/parent must accompany your child at all dental visits. Only a legal guardian can consent for treatment or fill out your child’s medical history. If your child is brought by someone other than a legal guardian your child’s appointment may be rescheduled. We do not accept signed notes from a legal guardian/ parent giving a third party permission to sign for consent of dental treatment.

Can I talk on my cell phone in the operatories?
We ask that you silence your cellular phone and other mobile devices as a courtesy to our doctors, staff, and other patients. Any interruption would impact patient care and impinge on the privacy of others.

Can I bring food and drink into the reception area and operatories?
Food and drinks are not allowed in the reception and operatory areas due to OSHA regulations.

How are emergency visits handled?
Emergency patients are worked in with our existing schedule. We ask that you arrive first thing in the morning or after lunch in order for us to take care of your child’s emergency. Our existing schedule dictates whether or not your child’s emergency treatment can be done on the same day. Please do not continuously ask our staff when your child will be seen. It only slows them down and prevents us from addressing your child’s needs in an efficient manner.

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Bianca A. Sanchez, DDS,MS

4706 Riverstone Blvd., Suite 200
Missouri City, TX 77459

Tel: (281) 261-0020
Fax: (281) 261-0024

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